BarrePop! Pregnancy Safe Guidelines
Congratulations! This is such a wonderful time for you, your body and your growing baby. Here are some guidelines to keep you safe during BarrePop!
*Please note, all pop-ups in the Virtual Studio are 1st Trimester friendly (with your doctor’s approval). Pop-ups that are 2nd and 3rd Trimester friendly will be added shortly. Please come back to BarrePop! then :)
Doctor's Approval
Before starting BarrePop! (or continuing BarrePop!), it is important to get your doctor’s approval. If you get the green light, keep on reading. Doctor says wait? That’s ok, come back when you have your doctor’s full approval.
1st Trimester
Once you’ve gotten your doctor’s approval, it is considered generally safe to exercise. You can take any BarrePop! class with minor adjustments👇🏾
- Move Slowly | If you’re feeling tired, move slowly. You can slow down the moves and/or take longer pauses or breaks in between exercises to collect your breath.
- Hydrate | As your body is changing, it’s important to stay hydrated. Bring extra water with you!
- Back Support | Bring a rolled up towel (or small ball) for back support during seated core work. Your core is changing, so listen to your body. If you’re experiencing discomfort in your lower back, place the towel or ball behind your back. Doesn’t feel better? Stop the exercise and take a few stretches.
- Remove Props | If the props (weights, sliders, etc.) become too much, remove them from your workout. You’ll still get a great workout and hopefully a mood boost!
- Bring a Snack | Your energy levels may be lower so make sure you have a snack on hand.
- Pause | Pause your workout. If you’re feeling morning sickness and the workout makes you feel worse, stop. You can come back to the workout when you’re feeling better.
- Stop | If you are uncomfortable performing any move or exercise, please stop doing it.
2nd Trimester
Your belly is growing and you may need to take more modifications. (These would be Options 1 or 2 in most BarrePop! classes). Here are some additional modifications👇🏾
- Tippie Toes | As your balance is changing, you may want to adjust your tippie toes (or releve) to low heels (not raising your heels as high) or keeping your feet flat on the floor. Determine what you need based on what you feel, and remember this can change day to day.
- Pushups | You may need to modify pushups on the floor as your belly grows. To modify, stand up and use a countertop or wall. Make sure you’re leaning at an angle to maximize space for your belly and to strengthen your arms.
- Core Work | If we’re doing seated core work and you haven’t used back support yet, go ahead and grab a rolled up towel or small ball to place behind your back. This will help protect your back and make you feel more comfortable.
- Eliminate | Eliminate the following: Crunches, Sit-ups, lying on your back and lying on your stomach. Instead, use the suggested modifications in class. You can also switch to a cat and cow stretch or any other stretches you feel comfortable doing.
- More | Apply any tips from the first trimester.
3rd Trimester
Congrats, you’re almost there! Here's a lil more 👇🏾
- More | Move slowly, take more breaks, incorporate more stretching & apply the tips from both the 1st and 2nd trimester.
- Stop | Stop doing prone exercises like Tabletop or Plank. These positions put more stress and strain on your back. Instead, stand upright and take the suggested exercises during pop-ups for this trimester. You can also switch to stretching exercises.
- Move | Keep moving in any exercise that makes you feel good!
If you have any questions/concerns please email me at amber@barrepop.com 💛
If you have any questions/concerns please email me at amber@barrepop.com 💛